Below are the details about various article types and guidelines for submission.
Articles are original research reports whose findings and conclusions represent a substantial advance in understanding an important problem in life sciences and have a significant impact. They do not normally exceed 5 pages (should not exceed 5000 words) and have no more than 50 references. It should include a structured summary (abstract), with four paragraphs (Background, Methods, Result, and Conclusion) not more than 250 words with no references, numbers, acronyms, abbreviation, or measurements if not necessary. Articles should have 5 to 8 figures or tables as display items.
Funding agency must be mentioned at the end of the article.
Use the SI system of units and gene names approved by the Human Gene Organization. Novel gene sequences should be submitted in a public database (GenBank, EMBL, or DDBJ) and their accession number should be mentioned in the text.
In this part, we publish original short communications from authors which are not more than 1-4 pages with a structured or unstructured summary. Short Communications provide researchers with a venue where they can share their most current results and developments in the shortest possible time. The short communications, like regular papers in the Journal, will be peer-reviewed and evaluated by the editor before publication.
Reviews should be overviews of major topics connected to any aspect of life sciences but must address a specific field of current interest. A broad review is discouraged. Complete briefing about the choice of literature included is necessary to any Review paper. Therefore, all Reviews should have a “Search strategy and selection criteria” section, which describes the material covered, databases consulted, search terms used, and the criteria applied to include or exclude material.
Historical Reviews should be 3000-5000 words, with a maximum of 150 references. A 150-words unstructured summary should be included.
Editorials are the voice of the Clinical And Medical Sciences Research Journal Journal and are written by the board of the editorial members.
Commentaries (of 700-900 words having up to 15 references) may discuss articles published in the Clinical And Medical Sciences Research Journal or in other journals. Correspondences are written as letters in response to articles published specifically in the Clinical And Medical Sciences Research Journal. They may include corrections of already published peer-reviewed articles in the Journal. They must appear before the editorial board 10 weeks after publication of that very material. They must not extend than 450 words and have 5 or 6 references.
Letters are brief reports of original research whose importance will be of interest to scientists and researchers in other fields. It should describe how your results could move some scientific field forward. They must be contained in 4 pages and 1,500 words other than references. References should not count more than 40. In the start, a summary must be given with briefly discussing the relevance of your work with different areas of research.
Clinical And Medical Sciences Research Journal Journal welcomes metadata analysis and survey reports for publication. The abstract of your analysis and survey report should appear as a structured summary (Background, Methods, Result, and Conclusion). The data repositories consulted must be accessible and legible to every user. In the survey report, a “Recommendation” paragraph must be added at the end which must prescribe the future strategies for a specific problem to policymakers.
It should not exceed 10 pages without references. The reference count is desirable up to 20 but may extend up to 30 if required.
Report enough details of your experimental design so that the results can be judged for validity and so that previous experiments may serve as a basis for the design of future experiments.
Experiments that are sensitive to environmental interactions, such as crop performance, usually should be repeated over time or space or both.