Clinical And Medical Sciences Research Journal

After critical review and approval by the editorial board, Clinical And Medical Sciences Research Journal (Medic. Clin. Sci. Res. J.; ISSN: 2708-2261) publishes articles reporting original research. These articles are grouped by subject matter into all types of clinical and medical research but are not confined to the following categories: Radiology, Cardiology, Oncology, Medicine ,General Surfgery.

Notes are published about apparatus, observations, and experimental techniques. Observations are usually limited to studies and reports of unrepeatable phenomena or other unique circumstances. Review and interpretation papers are also published, subject to standard review. Contributions to the Forum section deal with current agronomic issues and questions in a brief, thought-provoking form. Such papers are reviewed by the Editor in consultation with the editorial board.

Major manuscript types include full-length research articles and short communications, but the Clinical And Medical Sciences Research Journal also publishes other types of articles.

Each calendar year will have one volume. CAMSRJ publishes articles as soon as the final copy-edited version is approved by the authors, rather than waiting for a collection of articles for a specific issue. Also, each article is published in its respective category (editorial, review, original, or commentary). As a result, the page numbers in the ‘Table of Contents’ displayed for each issue will reflect this structure rather than numerical order.

Authors can submit manuscripts online through the OJS System. For any queries, authors can contact the editorial office via email at