Clinical And Medical Sciences Research Journal relies on members of the scientific research community to assess the validity of articles under consideration through peer review.
Editors select potential reviewers based on their expertise in research areas relevant to the manuscript under consideration. Reviewer invitations are sent by email from the journal’s Editorial Manager. Accept an invitation only if you have the knowledge, time, and objectivity necessary to provide an unbiased assessment.
The journal practices single-blind peer review by default but offers opportunities for authors and reviewers to participate in signed and published peer review.
During the peer review process, you will know the authors’ names, but your name will not be shared. Your review will appear in the editorial decision letter where it can be read by the authors and reviewers.
You can choose to sign your name to your review when you submit it. If you sign your name, the authors and other reviewers will see it. If the authors choose to publish their peer review history, your name will accompany your comments.
If authors transfer their manuscript to this journal, your review will accompany it. You may hear from editors for re-review.
A competing interest is anything that interferes with an objective assessment of a manuscript. Examples include collaborations with authors, direct competition, scientific conflicts, or financial profit from the work. If unsure, contact the journal office.
Keep manuscripts and correspondence confidential. Do not share submission details without prior editor approval. Reviewers must not use material or information from peer review for personal advantage.
Aim to complete your review within 100 days. If you need more time, please email us as soon as possible.